Interface RenderPipelineDescriptor

Descriptor of a GPU render pipeline resource.




bindGroups?: BindGroupLayout[]

The bind group layouts. Defaults to empty.

The vertex buffer layouts.

depthStencil?: null | DepthStencilState

The depth stencil states. Defaults to null, which disables depth/stencil test.

fragment: Shader

The fragment shader.

fragmentEntryPoint?: string

The entry point function name of a WebGPU fragment shader. Defaults to "fs_main".

multisample?: MultisampleState

The multisample states. Defaults to empty.

primitive?: PrimitiveState

The primitive states. Defaults to empty.

targets?: null | ColorTargetStates

The color target states. Defaults to null, which disables blending.

vertex: Shader

The vertex shader.

vertexEntryPoint?: string

The entry point function name of a WebGPU vertex shader. Defaults to "vs_main".

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